05 November 2012

Creation...a new beginning

I started this blog over a year ago, thinking my husband and I could become social bloggers, posting tutorials and product reviews. He hated the original title and was out right off the bat. After only three posts (one copied and pasted from my private blog), I too decided it was an impractical idea for that season in my life and let it go, hoping someday the concept might resurface.

I'm nearly half way through pregnancy #3 and have been feeling a deep desire to create. Quilting is something of a catharsis for me, and while I'm nowhere near an expert, I find solace at the sewing machine. I take pride in clean, organized spaces, and experience joy when presenting my family with a warm, home cooked meal. I'm also a little neurotic and at the moment exceptionally emotional. If I'm not doing everything, I feel like I'm doing nothing. I recently re-read President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk from the October 2008 Relief Society meeting, Happiness, your Heritage. A couple quotes particularly inspired me:

But to what end were we created? We were created with the express purpose and potential of experiencing a fullness of joy. Our birthright - and the purpose of our great voyage on this earth - is to seek and experience eternal happiness. One of the ways we find this is by creating things.
The more you trust and rely upon the Spirit, the greater your capacity to create. That is your opportunity in this life and your destiny in the life to come. Sisters, trust and rely on the Spirit. As you take the normal opportunities of your daily life and create something of beauty and helpfulness, you improve not only the world around you but also the world within you.
 I decided that, despite my propensity to get discouraged and overwhelmed, I can find a way to create every day. President Uchtdorf said, "creation means bringing into existence something that did not exist before." Whether that's a craft or a meal or clean sheets on the bed, I can "identify a space and beautify it." I thought perhaps I'd resurrect this blog as a way to help keep myself accountable. There's something satisfying about finishing a project and posting pictures of it. I have no hopes of becoming popular on the social media scene, but perhaps I can encourage myself and inspire someone else.

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